Podcast Episode 2: Toy Story

Podcast Episode 2: Toy Story

Podcast Episode 2: Toy Story

This episode is about Toy Story, number 99 on AFI’s Top 100 list.

We could talk for hours about our love for all things animated, all things Pixar, all things even loosely associated with Joss Whedon . . . but for your sake, we try to keep it short — try being the optimal word here.

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2 responses to “Podcast Episode 2: Toy Story”

  1. My two cents, by which I mean two points to add:

    (1) I think Toy Story and Snow White are on the AFI 100 list because they were both groundbreaking films that essentially launched new genres or film categories. This is separate from the strength of the story or themes; a film does not necessary have to be good to be important (though Toy Story is both). New technology does have a part to play in this, but even more, it might be argued that every American full length animated feature owes its existence to one of these two films, especially Snow White. It’s additionally amazing that both come from Disney, which leads to my other cent. . . .

    (2) This film had to be a partnership. On different levels, it would never have been a success, never even had been made, had it not have been for the collaboration between the creative minds at Pixar, Steve Jobs–who allowed Pixar to BE, and the clout of the Disney brand/machine.

    Thanks for another thought-provoking podcast!

  2. Chris, some great comments there! I definitely agree on the importance of technology to assessing films. And indeed, Toy Story brought some game changing tech that created a whole new genre.

    The partnership idea is interesting as well. One could say that Snow White was a similar partnership. An upstart studio developed a project that no one thought could succeed, with a visionary genius leading them. And then the distribution of an established industry giant (RKO Pictures) brought the film to the world.