Christmas Special 3: TV Specials and Holiday Alternatives

Christmas Special 3: TV Specials and Holiday Alternatives

Christmas Special 3: TV Specials and Holiday Alternatives

In this episode Scott and Loren celebrate Christmas as they discuss the best Christmas television specials, as well as alternative films that might give you a break from your standard Christmas movies.

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  • Unmissiable TV Specials
  1. A Charlie Brown Christmas
  2. Doctor Who:  A Christmas Carol (from Series 6)
  3. Justice League:  Comfort & Joy
  4. Community:  Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas (from Season 2)
  5. Community:  Regional Holiday Music (from Season 3)
  6. Twas the Night Before Christmas
  7. Star Wars Holiday Special
  • Fun Holiday Alternatives
  1. Die Hard
  2. The Harry Potter films (especially the first three)
  3. Gremlins
  4. Nightmare Before Christmas
  5. Brazil
  6. Batman Returns
  7. Ernest Saves Christmas
  8. 3 Godfathers
  9. Tokyo Godfathers
  10. What Would Jesus Buy?
  11. Shop Around the Corner
  12. How The Grinch Stole Christmas (live and animated)
  13. While You Were Sleeping
  14. The Lion in Winter (1968)
  15. It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)
  16. Your multi-film franchise of choice
    1. The Lord of the Rings?
    2. Star Wars?
    3. The Pirates of the Caribbean?
    4. Band of Brothers?
    5. Lethal Weapon?
    6. James Bond?
    7. Bridget Jones?


2 responses to “Christmas Special 3: TV Specials and Holiday Alternatives”

  1. We watched “The Help” on DVD last night and were a little surprised that it has Christmas scenes in it (it’s not the point of the movie, just the setting for these scenes) — the league program with the “showdown” between Celia & Hilly is a Christmas benefit. Don’t think it fits the holiday classic category, but highly recommend the film and the book!

    1. Oh that’s right! I forgot about that! It’s always a little funny when a Christmas scene pops up in a movie that’s not entirely a Christmas movie. It’s like when, last summer, I put John Lennon’s greatest hits in the CD player and suddenly “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” started playing. Great song, but it sticks out like a sore thumb for 11 out of 12 months you might be listening to the album.