Bonus Episode: Dean Trippe Interview 2

Bonus Episode: Dean Trippe Interview #2

Bonus Episode: Dean Trippe Interview 2

Scott and Dean debate The Hunger Games, celebrate John Carter, and generally discuss adaptation.

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Some of the Things We Discuss

Some Relevant Dean Trippe Art


6 responses to “Bonus Episode: Dean Trippe Interview #2”

  1. Poelahniuk Avatar

    I disagree with the guest speaker about The Hunger Games film not improving on the book (that it was too close of an adaptation.

    There are two important points I think the film capitalized on that would have made more sense in the book. When Rue is killed in the arena, a man, presumably her father starts a massive riot in district 11. This brought to life the bleak, totalitarian aspect of the government. The full scale riot did not occur in the book.

    Also, the love-story ruse was underplayed in the book. Katniss and Peeta “performed” to get gifts from the sponsors for survival. This was a jab at our obsession with reality tv. In the film, it was done for survival too, but more importantly to give the people some hope, especially after the riot that ensued.

    I only commented here because I felt, for the first time in a long while that the film was faithful to the book and actually improved on it.

  2. I loved that they included the riots of District 11.

    And I believe this was a strong adaptation, but I’m not sure it’s better than the book (it’s kind of a hard comparison to make). I will say I’m looking forward to the next one, despite my fear I’m going to hate Katniss as much as I did when I read the books.

  3. Poelahniuk Avatar

    Oh, I wouldn’t say it was better than the book, just that some things made more sense in the film. I listened to a spoiler on the podcast where you are talking about the 2nd and 3rd books, and I believe I will not read them because I already don’t like the protagonist. I explain why on my Facebook note.

    1. Sorry if I spoiled the second and third books for you, I’d still recommend reading them. Not agreeing with the protagonist of a book is a great way for you to define and refine your own beliefs (including how you hope you would behave in such a situation). They really are great books.

  4. Christopher Avatar

    The books are good if you pretend Peeta is the hero and Katniss is just an intolerable human being who just wanders through life like the self-absorbed, emotionally wrecked, and unstable person she is. She just, unfortunately, happens to be the vessel the story is told through. That aside, the books are great. Like Ender’s Game, it made me question humanity and the atrocities we are capable of committing. It’s looking at humanity at it’s worst and trying to find the best in it. It’s much deeper than the lessons of Twilight and how to keep a boyfriend – though Katniss could use some love lessons.

    Also, John Carter was amazing. It’s sad that the marketing wasn’t behind Stanton or the film in anyway. All it would have taken, for the average movie goer, was to say “From the Writer/Director of: Toy Story (1-3), Finding Nemo, and WALL-E”. Done. Anyone who had any questions about anything that was going on in those trailers would have given him the benefit of the doubt simply because almost everyone, universally, loves those movies.

    I loved that you guys touched on Avatar. That series is so well-crafted and it’s nice to have a strong female lead. It’s so surprising that it is aimed at the demographic is is when it has so many adult fans.

    Keep up the good works guys!

  5. […] For a more in-depth discussion of John Carter, check out the bonus episode “Dean Trippe Interview #2!” […]