Podcast 21 - The Apartment

Podcast Episode 21: The Apartment

Podcast 21 - The Apartment

Loren and Scott find The Apartment cozy, comfortable, and centrally located.

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This Week’s Film: The Apartment

From Netflix: With furthering his career in mind, an insurance clerk lends his apartment to his adulterous higher-ups for their amorous affairs. But his fast track to an executive suite gets derailed when he becomes involved with his boss’s latest conquest.

[youtube http://youtu.be/B4OXm9-E8OQ]

What We’ve Been Up To

Each week we highlight the entertainment that has been keeping us interested, and provide links so you can find more information.

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Other Suggestions for Movies Like The Apartment

Looking for some similar films? We’ve compiled a list of movies that are like The Apartment.

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3 responses to “Podcast Episode 21: The Apartment”

  1. Talk about being in a pickle! I think I’ve heard of “The Apartment” before but never watched it. I doubt it’s on my Netflix list but that may change soon, since the description has me thinking of “The Graduate” and also about a guy I ran into last week who told me that he thinks his brother in-law is having an affair, because he drives the brother in-law to the same *suspicious* spot pretty frequently.

    I’ve been into foreign films lately and haven’t given black and white movies mich play this year, but “The Apartment” sounds like it would be interesting to watch. A guy getting involved with his boss’s side piece is definitely a recipe for disaster and is surely the wrong track to that corner office!

    1. I highly recommend it. There are some tonal similarities to The Graduate, but it’s a pretty different film. If black and white movies aren’t your thing, remember that it’s an artistic decision the director made to heighten certain emotions while downplaying others. It’s pretty great.

    2. I know what you mean about black and white films. But You really should give it a chance. It’s pretty great.