Tag: Ridley Scott

  • Episode 41: Alien: Covenant

    Episode 41: Alien: Covenant

    This Week’s Podcast: Alien: Covenant Scott and Loren delve in to Ridley Scott’s Prometheus sequel, the theologically rich Alien: Covenant. https://archive.org/download/MoviesYouShouldLoveEpisode41AlienCovenant/MYSL-Alien-Covenant.mp3 Right-click to download MP3 Here are some helpful links to help you keep up with conversation. Our MYSL Prometheus Review Paradise Lost The Book of Job And the short films that were released as…

  • Bonus Episode:  Phileas Reid & Ender’s Game

    Bonus Episode: Phileas Reid & Ender’s Game

    Scott and Loren play Ender’s Game and discuss Scott’s new project:  Phileas Reid Knows We Are Not Alone!

  • Remembering Tony Scott

    Remembering Tony Scott

    I just found out about Tony Scott’s suicide. Tony Scott was one of my favorite directors.  In film school, I’d often compare him and his brother by saying, “Ridley is classical music while Tony’s rock ‘n’ roll.  Do I prefer one over the other?  Yes.  Can I pick which one right now?  No.”  In recent…

  • Special Episode: Prometheus

    Special Episode: Prometheus

    Scott and Loren aren’t scared to discuss Prometheus, despite the large amounts of creepy ooze and internet controversy. With special guest Kelly Fogg!

  • What Happens on 10/11/12?

    Prometheus, the movie that many assumed would explain the origins of the Alien franchise ended up raising more questions than it answered.

  • Peter Weyland Talks the Future

    In one of my favorite viral videos I’ve seen thus far, Peter Weyland, played by Guy Pearce, talks about the history — and the future — of technology.  As he does, he weaves the story of Prometheus into his talk and while the story supports his claim that “we are the gods” now, it also…

  • To Be or Not To Be 3D



    There’s no current debate in film so contentious and so divisive as “3D or not 3D.”  Writer Maximus Clarke (a name I would kill for to call my own) contends that love it or hate it, you better get used to it in this fascinating article on the history and potential of 3D movies.

  • Podcast Episode 4: Blade Runner

    Podcast Episode 4: Blade Runner

    This episode is about Blade Runner, number 97 on AFI’s Top 100 list. Loren and Scott bond over their mutual love, respect, and admiration of Ridley Scott and for this, the movie most responsible for sci-fi movies of the past 30 years.